Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Field Trip, Buds.

Im back. Don't forget about me posting during break, kay? So, I'm on a field trip to Carowinds today, which is gonna be pretty fun. A friend promised we would go on the Fury as my first rollercoaster ever. Surprising, eh? I've watched videos and even been on tiny rollercoasters for literally babies. And each and every one had yanking and metal creaking and breaking. So yes, it's probably 5 times that more.

Before I go and kill myself, let's tell a story to calm my nerves. *Somehow gets a gandalf beard on* Once upon a death-- I'm kidding. Kids usually say they don't ever want a boyfriend but gradually have 17 fake boyfriends when they're older. Not that old, though. The closest I've ever had a boyfriend was in flippin kindergarten. I mean, seriously? His name is...i'll say Cal, for internet privacy. He constantly had fights with other boys to "protect" me and also loved trying to bring down girls' pants, slowly and sexually. He's just awful. That's as far as I can go at the moment, I just incountered another ride. But that did give a brief description of Cal.

Im so nervous about this ride called the Hurler, for it is made of wood. This will be my first rollercoaster, jesus! It's even stopped because of certain circumstances. Im quite scared.

After going on the Hurler,  my life is much better than I intended. It was pretty thrilling, except for the wait. I kept my eyes shut as the train car jerked and weaved, bouncing my fat bits. I mean, that was cool, if only the rides' wait didn't take so long. Yay and ugh. But, I saw a lady who draws a messed up picture of you (and your buddy) for only 30 cents! Totally gonna do it.

Because I lost my chaperone, I was unable to buy anything and stuck to the closest group from our school that happened to be passing by. I also never did the promise with my friend because, seriously, the Fury is the biggest and scariest there! I can't even not cry on the Hurler! But, I have to say, this was a great field trip and I'm never coming back. Just don't even ask why.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Im lazy at titles.

Annnnnnnd i'm back. Miss me? Miss me? Anyways, you may or may not thought, "So, then, when is she gonna post?". Well, it'll be crappy, like on and off, but, you guys will be happier during break.

So, let's do our thing. *shoves Gandalf beard on* Can you believe that there are "proms" and "graduation" in elementary school? Seriously, why? "Oh, let's get kids to love on one another and ruin any possibility for pleasing lives." Douche principles. Before you go crazy saying I'm in elementary, which I am, I am just getting "prep" for middle school. Yes, I'm in fifth grade. So, there's a guy named James and he's a little flirty with meh. Not interested, though. I'm not comfortable with it because I've never dated anyone. I'm so lucky. He asked me to the prom and I never said anything. In school, I'm usually played as "the smart, quiet girl". Great, can't wait for them to find out my studio ghibli tees and doctor who plushies. Let's see who's smart now.

This post is quite short, but I posted what was on my mind. Speaking of which, does anyone know how to overcome anxiety when sleeping? Not in a dirty way. Just when you watch the last episode of season 8 of big bang theory and anxiety overcomes you. (Spoiler alert) When will Shelfon give Amy the ring and how the heck did he become so romantic? (End of spoiler alert) Please leave a comment and leave a like. Buh bye.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Im a kid.

Alright, you may be wondering the heck I'm not posting as much anymore. As I've said, I am very busy with school. Also, for adults whon may be reading and are offended, get your crap together, it's not like I'm going to be talking about inappropriate topics. Anyway, I'll be posting more over break so don't worry. As soon as I'm done with the last tests, I'll be free to blog my little heart out.

Recently, I've cut my hair and look like some punk dare devil and I don't give a boop. So, story time. Where's that darn Gandalf beard? *whips out the Gandalf beard and places onto chin* Now, this isn't inportant (like all the other stories) but if my good friend is reading, don't come up tomorrow asking why I decided to post this emmbarassing hobby. I might not speak for decades, if I survive that long. Anyway, let's move on. Ethan, the childhood friend, has a certain love for girly toys, clothing, words, accents etc. I don't mind, even if he's a boy, that's just what he likes. Back then, we used to whip out a bucket of barbies or monster highs and make our own little story. He still likes them but I've started to grow away from it. I should just hand over my old doll collection to him and see what he does with it. He also loved to braid me and Summer's hair at the age of 5. Our hair used to be grow usually down to our lower backs, which was annoying to brush.

At home, there's the neighbor's new family member, Sparky the grumpy cat kitty, which is nothing like grumpy. It's just her fur. Also, she absolutely loves to visit me and my mother at home. She's a chicken thief and loves stickes. She's a dork. Also, she is extremely awkward. If you tried to cuddle her, she twitches and claws onto her stomach. Then she suddenly thinks shes going to fall but jumps anyway. She's so adorable to annoy though- Ah, Ah! Stop rubbing your head on ny face, I can't see the screen! Urgh, such a pain, Sparky is. Guess she CAN hear and sense when I'm talking about her.

So, long story short, im tired of saying im busy, but there isn't anything I can do about it. It's life. Well, hopefully I'll be able to post after testing crap. Leave a comment and hit a like or share. For the doughnuts!


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New schedule.

Yeah yeah, you must be thinking,"Oh, why is she posting on Saturday?" Well, it's because of a change in schedule. I really miss talking about random stuff going on on this blog. So here's the schedule:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Perfection.

So, while I'm still lively,  ill tell you a story that I suddenly remembered today. Well...*pulls out Gandalf beard*...i'm already prepared. *sly wink* No I'm kidding, i'd never do that. Or maybe I would---No, just...no. So, story time! Remember my friend, Ethan? Well, he's pretty much going to be in all of the stories, since I spent most of my life with him. About the age of 6, me and Ethan would bring our electronics to daycare. Cuz it was cool, man. But, most of the electronics we brung to daycare were our DS'S. I had a DSi while Ethan and our other best friend, Summer, had a DS lite. Of course, there was an DS chat on both DS's so, you'd imagine what we'd do. Apparently, there was another girl, about in her teens, who also had a Ds and went on the chat room along with us. Her name, as we called her, was Marshmello. So we three just chatted and chatted our little hearts out. By the way, the reason we were chatting with the elctronics, was because the daycare would always repeat a movie over and over again. It was annoying. Anyways, Marshmello wasn't talking about what were were at all. She went on talking about "dirty" or "innaproprate" things. So, Ethan wanted to be a good boy and told the teacher about it. So the teacher told another teacher, who told another, who then told the director, and soon, the manager of the building. After that, Marshmello was suspended and never came back to the daycare. She was very nice, too.

That teaches you a lesson, kids that may never read this. It tells you that, just god darn, stop acting like a flipping adult! No cursing or talking about dirty things, man! That does include adults too! Anyways, sorry this is so short, been busy lately with car issues and such. Remember to leave a comment and a like if ya can. See ya later, peeps.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

All the Unluck

 Hallo. Sorry im so late posting this, I nearly forgot. I mean, it's flipping 10 for god's sake. Bad me, bad. So, want a report on today? My crusty car acted all weird and decided to break down. Why? All I wanted to do was just go to the store and back. Easy, right?

Today was one of the most unluckiest days. I've got to go to work tomorrow, the weekend went by fast, car broke down, jug of milk explodes, etc. Okay... It's not really true. Except the weekend part. If only we could get paid to stay home and do absolutely nothing. I mean, I do that daily (if I could). Anyway, we could totally talk about dreams. At least I could, you could only do it if you comment down below but not a full on conversation. So I had a dream last night. Finally. Its been forever and I used to get the best dreams ever. I even once had a quite romantic one. But this one  was different. I was a little girl trying to defend my self from a dragon in my own room. My teddy bear i had as a child, came alive, too. It was so cool. If only it were real. Apparently I had armor on and a little wooden sword and teddy had little fist tools. The dragon was kinda like an evil, dark skeleton horse with eyeballs shooting out of its neck. So it really wasn't a dragon at all, was it? Huh. What dream did you have last night?

I was so out of people to draw today, I could think of what to draw. So, I asked trusty Facebook and guess what they said they wanted me to draw. There were suggestions p f Mickey Mouse, night fairies, humanoid aliens on brooms, tree nymphs, garbage trucks, and more. I shouldn't trust Facebook anymore. You guys are weird. I'll stay far away from your suggestions.

Okay people, im thinking about starting a YouTube channel once enough people start visiting and commenting on my blog more. Eh? I'm not even sure how many people are going to read my weird blogs. Its frighting to think about the hate comments people might send to me. Do people ever think that?

Sorry if this was shorter than usual and i'll see you on Wednesday. Out.