Recently, I've cut my hair and look like some punk dare devil and I don't give a boop. So, story time. Where's that darn Gandalf beard? *whips out the Gandalf beard and places onto chin* Now, this isn't inportant (like all the other stories) but if my good friend is reading, don't come up tomorrow asking why I decided to post this emmbarassing hobby. I might not speak for decades, if I survive that long. Anyway, let's move on. Ethan, the childhood friend, has a certain love for girly toys, clothing, words, accents etc. I don't mind, even if he's a boy, that's just what he likes. Back then, we used to whip out a bucket of barbies or monster highs and make our own little story. He still likes them but I've started to grow away from it. I should just hand over my old doll collection to him and see what he does with it. He also loved to braid me and Summer's hair at the age of 5. Our hair used to be grow usually down to our lower backs, which was annoying to brush.
At home, there's the neighbor's new family member, Sparky the grumpy cat kitty, which is nothing like grumpy. It's just her fur. Also, she absolutely loves to visit me and my mother at home. She's a chicken thief and loves stickes. She's a dork. Also, she is extremely awkward. If you tried to cuddle her, she twitches and claws onto her stomach. Then she suddenly thinks shes going to fall but jumps anyway. She's so adorable to annoy though- Ah, Ah! Stop rubbing your head on ny face, I can't see the screen! Urgh, such a pain, Sparky is. Guess she CAN hear and sense when I'm talking about her.
So, long story short, im tired of saying im busy, but there isn't anything I can do about it. It's life. Well, hopefully I'll be able to post after testing crap. Leave a comment and hit a like or share. For the doughnuts!
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