Annnnnnnd i'm back. Miss me? Miss me? Anyways, you may or may not thought, "So, then, when is she gonna post?". Well, it'll be crappy, like on and off, but, you guys will be happier during break.
So, let's do our thing. *shoves Gandalf beard on* Can you believe that there are "proms" and "graduation" in elementary school? Seriously, why? "Oh, let's get kids to love on one another and ruin any possibility for pleasing lives." Douche principles. Before you go crazy saying I'm in elementary, which I am, I am just getting "prep" for middle school. Yes, I'm in fifth grade. So, there's a guy named James and he's a little flirty with meh. Not interested, though. I'm not comfortable with it because I've never dated anyone. I'm so lucky. He asked me to the prom and I never said anything. In school, I'm usually played as "the smart, quiet girl". Great, can't wait for them to find out my studio ghibli tees and doctor who plushies. Let's see who's smart now.
This post is quite short, but I posted what was on my mind. Speaking of which, does anyone know how to overcome anxiety when sleeping? Not in a dirty way. Just when you watch the last episode of season 8 of big bang theory and anxiety overcomes you. (Spoiler alert) When will Shelfon give Amy the ring and how the heck did he become so romantic? (End of spoiler alert) Please leave a comment and leave a like. Buh bye.
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