Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New schedule.

Yeah yeah, you must be thinking,"Oh, why is she posting on Saturday?" Well, it's because of a change in schedule. I really miss talking about random stuff going on on this blog. So here's the schedule:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Perfection.

So, while I'm still lively,  ill tell you a story that I suddenly remembered today. Well...*pulls out Gandalf beard*...i'm already prepared. *sly wink* No I'm kidding, i'd never do that. Or maybe I would---No, So, story time! Remember my friend, Ethan? Well, he's pretty much going to be in all of the stories, since I spent most of my life with him. About the age of 6, me and Ethan would bring our electronics to daycare. Cuz it was cool, man. But, most of the electronics we brung to daycare were our DS'S. I had a DSi while Ethan and our other best friend, Summer, had a DS lite. Of course, there was an DS chat on both DS's so, you'd imagine what we'd do. Apparently, there was another girl, about in her teens, who also had a Ds and went on the chat room along with us. Her name, as we called her, was Marshmello. So we three just chatted and chatted our little hearts out. By the way, the reason we were chatting with the elctronics, was because the daycare would always repeat a movie over and over again. It was annoying. Anyways, Marshmello wasn't talking about what were were at all. She went on talking about "dirty" or "innaproprate" things. So, Ethan wanted to be a good boy and told the teacher about it. So the teacher told another teacher, who told another, who then told the director, and soon, the manager of the building. After that, Marshmello was suspended and never came back to the daycare. She was very nice, too.

That teaches you a lesson, kids that may never read this. It tells you that, just god darn, stop acting like a flipping adult! No cursing or talking about dirty things, man! That does include adults too! Anyways, sorry this is so short, been busy lately with car issues and such. Remember to leave a comment and a like if ya can. See ya later, peeps.

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